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Financial concepts and corporate financial management
Corporate finance: are economic relationships expressed in the form of value directly associated with the organization, mobilization, distribution, use and management of capital in the business process. As a stage of the financial system in the economy, it is an objective economic category associated with the creation of the commodity and monetary economy.
To carry out production and business activities, any business must have a certain minimum amount of monetary capital. The process of doing business from a financial perspective, is also the distribution process to create and use the monetary capital of the business to fulfill the objectives of the financial source, and create price movement flows. The value in which it manifests is the currency entering or exiting the business cycle of the business.
The nature of corporate finance
It can be said that corporate finance is essentially the distribution relationship in the form of value associated with the creation or use of monetary funds of the business in the business process. In terms of form, corporate finance reflects the movement and transformation of financial resources in the distribution process to create or use corporate monetary funds to form corporate financial relations. . Therefore, the activities associated with the distribution to create and use monetary funds belong to the financial activities of the business.
The role of corporate financial analysis
In a state-controlled market economy, there are many subjects who are interested in the financial situation of the business such as investors, providing short and long-term credit, business managers. , tax authorities, state management agencies, employees. People are interested in the financial situation of the business in different angles. Financial analysis helps all subjects have information suitable for their purposes, on which basis can make reasonable business decisions.
Business managers: They need information to control and direct the business performance of the business so they must regularly pay attention to all aspects of financial analysis. Analysis helps them orient decisions on investment, structure of financial resources, distribution of profits, and evaluate production and business efficiency to take appropriate adjustment measures.
Tax Authority: Interested in the amount of tax that businesses have to pay. Financial information helps them to grasp the implementation of tax obligations to the budget, payable, paid, and payable.
The goal of financial analysis in the business
To be a powerful tool to help business administrators and those interested in business operations make the right decisions in business, financial analysis needs to achieve the following goals:
Accurately evaluate the financial situation of the business on different aspects such as capital structure, assets, solvency, cash flow, efficiency of asset use, profitability, and risk financial to satisfy the information available to all interested subjects.
Orientation of decisions of interested subjects in the direction suitable to the actual situation of the enterprise such as investment decisions, sponsorship, profit distribution
Become for financial basis forecasts, helping analysts predict the financial potential of the business in the future.
As a tool to control the business activities of the enterprise on the basis of examining and evaluating the planned targets, predictions, norms. From there, determine the strengths and weaknesses in business activities and help businesses get the right decisions and solutions, ensure effective business.
Financial analysis methods follow online assignment help
Financial analysis method is a way, a technique to evaluate the financial situation of a company in the past, present and predict future financial situation. From there, it helps subjects make economic decisions in accordance with the desired goals of each object. To meet the objectives of financial analysis, there are many common methods people use the following methods.
This is a widely used method in economic analysis in general and financial analysis in particular, to determine the position and trend of fluctuations of analytical indicators. Comparability criterion is an indicator of a period selected as the basis of comparison. The comparison root is determined depending on the purpose of the analysis. When making a comparison, two or more quantities are required and the quantities must be comparable.